reinvented. redefined. realtime.

21 November 2005

We Have a Date

Well, we have a date. Not you and I. The date of my layoff from Cincinnati Bell. January 15th, plus or minus 5-10 days. Not really an exact date, but we should have that information by the end of this month. I'm kinda pissed, but I know in the end, I'll be happier.

So, for now, I've been getting all my dental work done before I lose my insurance coverage. I go in for surgery on 2 December, which will fix the problem currently visible to everyone who looks at me. I will have the front 2 top teeth removed and a new bridge put in, so I'll have somewhat of a normal smile. I think this will help me on job hunts, dates, etc. Let's hope.

School has started....and this is my last term. Provided I keep my grades above a C, I shall have my degree in Network Administration by the end of January. I will walk in commencement in June. This is a big accomplishment. I guess I should thank Cincinnati Bell for paying for my degree. They did put in about 10 grand plus on it. ;-)

In other news, well, there really isn't much other news. Other than the layoffs and school, my life has become somewhat monotonous. Not much difference from day to day, seems like I'm doing the same thing over and over. I don't really mind it, per se, but who knows.

I did, however, go to a fun meetup in Columbus 2 weeks ago. I play an online game called Kingdom of Loathing, , and found out that they were having a convention of sorts in Columbus OH. I drove up there, and because I'm so shy, I didn't talk much at first, but then made several new friends, both local and national. I keep in touch with them all the time. They're a good group to be around. They're quite caring, sweet, and always listen to you. A Friend Is You!

Until next time, America.