reinvented. redefined. realtime.

21 November 2005

We Have a Date

Well, we have a date. Not you and I. The date of my layoff from Cincinnati Bell. January 15th, plus or minus 5-10 days. Not really an exact date, but we should have that information by the end of this month. I'm kinda pissed, but I know in the end, I'll be happier.

So, for now, I've been getting all my dental work done before I lose my insurance coverage. I go in for surgery on 2 December, which will fix the problem currently visible to everyone who looks at me. I will have the front 2 top teeth removed and a new bridge put in, so I'll have somewhat of a normal smile. I think this will help me on job hunts, dates, etc. Let's hope.

School has started....and this is my last term. Provided I keep my grades above a C, I shall have my degree in Network Administration by the end of January. I will walk in commencement in June. This is a big accomplishment. I guess I should thank Cincinnati Bell for paying for my degree. They did put in about 10 grand plus on it. ;-)

In other news, well, there really isn't much other news. Other than the layoffs and school, my life has become somewhat monotonous. Not much difference from day to day, seems like I'm doing the same thing over and over. I don't really mind it, per se, but who knows.

I did, however, go to a fun meetup in Columbus 2 weeks ago. I play an online game called Kingdom of Loathing, , and found out that they were having a convention of sorts in Columbus OH. I drove up there, and because I'm so shy, I didn't talk much at first, but then made several new friends, both local and national. I keep in touch with them all the time. They're a good group to be around. They're quite caring, sweet, and always listen to you. A Friend Is You!

Until next time, America.

02 October 2005

A bit of the good, a lot of the bad

This past week hasn't been kind to your dear Jelloboi. However, I ended the week with some fun to relieve the hurt I feel. Let's go back a few days.

I came in Thursday the 22nd like normal, having been off for 2 days. I was immediately barraged by multiple coworkers asking if I had heard. Heard what? Everyone started going off on Cincinnati Bell this, Cincinnati Bell that. Finally, the manager came in and I talked with her. Apparently, Cincinnati Bell had sent a letter to the union stating that our department and a few others were in discussion to be outsourced. We had known this would come, but everyone started freaking out. After a few days, and a few more letters from management/union representatives explaining the situation, everyone here has continued making up rumors and situations that are so far from the actual situation.

Ok. I admit it. I'm worried. I'm worried that my 3 years that I've devoted to the company I love might go down the drain. I've LOVED the past 3 years and enjoy the company of most of my coworkers. Other friends of mine have gone from job to job and are surprised to find out I'm still here. Back in January of 2004, I decided to take advantage of a benefit of working here -- Tuition Aid. I have finished all but 7 of my classes. I have one or two terms left. The fact that the layoff/outsourcing might occur right as I'm attempting to graduate college is kind of annoying. However, I have plans in place to finish school and get my degree. I've spent enough of my own personal money and time, as well as Cincinnati Bell's money to just up and quit school. Hopefully, I can use this degree to transfer somewhere else inside the company. If not, at least I have a degree under my belt now.

After a tumultous week, I decided to take a risk. I asked my coworker (and good friend of course) Beth to go with me to Pride Night at Paramount's Kings Island. She said yes, and we bought our tickets online. I didn't really care if it was Pride Night or not, I just thought about the fact that it was a private event and getting on rides/coasters might be easier than normal, and I'd actually get to enjoy the price I paid. We did. We had so much fun there. However, it started to get quite chilly later in the evening, and we left about 45 minutes before closing. Around 8:15pm, we decided to check out "Island Idol," a talent show featuring people from across the area. These people were QUITE talented, and actually sang. (HAHA Ashlee, you lip-sync bitch!) Our favorite was a 62-year-old lesbian named Susan who absolutely stole the show. She was awesome.

So, back at work I am, working my ass off, and doing my best. I'm going to stay here until the final day, and do my job to the best of my ability. There's no sense in getting all worried about what might happen. Just let fate take its course.

Dang, this post was long. Hopefully I didn't bore you to death.

From the Delirium Beast Racer with his Face/Off at an Italian Job,

12 September 2005

Hope and Despair

So, one week of school is done, and so far I'm already overwhelmed. I have 2 classes where I'm going to have to give weekly presentations, and for someone who hates speaking in front of a class, you can see the hilarity that will ensue. But, I really don't have much choice, as these classes get me one step closer to graduating. After this term, I will have 7 classes left to take. Not too shabby.

I'd like to write a bit about something that has recently occurred. I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing about Hurricane Katrina. However, I don't care for people who make me feel bad for not supporting certain causes. I give every paycheck to local and national charities which aid those in need. These charities see the need and tend to it. I was recently approached by several people wanting me to give to charities that are working only on helping GLBT people affected by the hurricane. This bothers me. Although I am gay, I don't see how directing my donations only to GLBT people helps in any way. My donations should go for a greater purpose, not to only support those who sleep with the same sex. This may be somewhat odd of a stance, but it's mine, and I will not change.

Those folks who have "attacked" me in recent days for my views are the ones with problems, not I. I have a love for humanity as a whole, not certain groups or ideologies. In the first hours of the event, I stayed glued to the TV watching as so many people tried to get out. I watched the local CBS affiliate in New Orleans via the Internet, hoping that they would be able to convince enough people to get out. As we all know, many made it out, but many could not. That is in the past; we should now work on making a better and safer and more flood-resistant New Orleans. Humanity and the world demands it.

With love and compassion to those who are in pain,