reinvented. redefined. realtime.

11 May 2005

String Manipulation

I've learned in my Visual Basic class at school that I complete detest
string manipulation. Also, as a classmate has so eloquently put it, "I hate my life." He says that every day. Of course, I say "Java sucks" at least twice each class. It's just our normal banter. What fun.

No one is commenting on my site. Do I need to start handing out gifts to those who post comments? I have some candy over here. Want some?

blnDone = True


  • At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And just what is it you detest so much about string manipulation? It is "fun," "exciting," and "a great way to introduce security issues."

  • At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dim intVowelCount As Integer
    'make the string all caps, to make the check case insensitive
    strSentence = strSentence.ToUpper
    'Loop until strSentence no characters left
    Do Until strSentence.Length = 0
    ' if characters remain began if statment

    ' does strSentence Start with "A"?
    If strSentence.StartsWith("A") = True Then
    'yes, add to 1 counter then remove the character
    intVowelCount = intVowelCount + 1
    strSentence = strSentence.Remove(0, 1)

    'if not, does strSentence Start with "E"?
    ElseIf strSentence.StartsWith("E") = True Then
    'yes, add to 1 counter then remove the character
    intVowelCount = intVowelCount + 1
    strSentence = strSentence.Remove(0, 1)

    'if not, does strSentence Start with "I"?
    ElseIf strSentence.StartsWith("I") = True Then
    'yes, add to 1 counter then remove the character
    intVowelCount = intVowelCount + 1
    strSentence = strSentence.Remove(0, 1)

    'if not, does strSentence Start with "O"?
    ElseIf strSentence.StartsWith("O") = True Then
    'yes, add to 1 counter then remove the character
    intVowelCount = intVowelCount + 1
    strSentence = strSentence.Remove(0, 1)

    'if not, does strSentence Start with "U"?
    ElseIf strSentence.StartsWith("U") = True Then
    'yes, add to 1 counter then remove the character
    intVowelCount = intVowelCount + 1
    strSentence = strSentence.Remove(0, 1)
    'if not, Remove character
    strSentence = strSentence.Remove(0, 1)
    End If
    Return Convert.ToString(intVowelCount)
    End Function


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